The practice of naked yoga dates back to ancient times. According to the ancient philosophy, naked yoga helps to connect us to our spiritual selves. But, it’s also an experience that one needs to feel secure and comfortable enough within their own skin to carry out. First-timers are sometimes scared to participate, and they worry about being judged, but after their first class, they describe it as the best, most open, and most free experience of their lives. It’s all just in the mind. In reality, naked yoga is one of the least judgmental and intimidating atmospheres that you will ever experience. Actually meeting your own body — observing how it functions and appreciating and loving it — that’s the beauty of naked yoga, and it’s a great way to start changing your life for the better. When you practice loving and accepting yourself as who you are, you will gain confidence and pleasure in other areas of your life. Naked yoga, from students who engage in the practice, is said to increase body awareness and freedom of movement, energy, and improve self-esteem. Students find liberation in practicing naked in a safe environment, which is strictly non-sexual.
We welcome people with bodies of all shapes, sizes, ages, colors, genders, experience levels, and we expect you to treat others with respect. Classes are taught by certified yoga instructors. Nude yoga is a way to engage in the standard practice of yoga and carry out the same fundamentals, outdoors, surronded by nature (weather permitting), in a safe and nourishing environment supported by like-minded people. The emphasis on practicing Yoga poses unencumbered by the confines of clothing.
You’re going to want to bring your yoga mat, if you have one, or you may borrow one of ours. Bring a towel to cover the mat since the perspiration that is usually absorbed by your clothing can make your mat slippery. Yoga teaches you that the human body is a beautiful, powerful force that takes care of you and allows you to move and operate with grace and agility. Ending each session with a restorative Savasana, you’ll be in awe of your body and all of its amazing, beautiful capabilities.